Sunday 1 February 2015

Syriza - A boost for London Prices?

Amid the turmoil of Mario Draghi's 1Tr Euro bazooka and the win in Greece for the first non-austerity political party our understanding of 'safe' investements is constantly being challenged.

Thankfully here in the UK, the waters are slighly calmer, however not without their own dangers. Growth is anemic and wage increases have just crept above inflation in the recent months, though this could be a by product of oil prices collapsing and this just starting to filter through the system.

It is therefore surprising to see what London property prices have done over the last few years. Admittedly, there has been a slow down in the last couple of months, however the driving principals of supply and demand will keep this market stong in 2015. Yes, there will be a slow down because of lenders tightening criteria as Woolwich have clearly demonstrated, however as in all times of crisis there is flight to qulaity and in the Euro case, there aren't many places you can park €3m, to hedge against your countries politicians getting it wrong.

There may well be a flight from Greece, but this will only help to underpin the diversity of the capitals property sector as a safe heaven.